This time last year we were all looking forward to the excitement that a New Year brings. Boy what a surprise. No matter your age, none of us have lived through the trials and tribulations that have been so widespread as Covid-19 has given us.
Our year started off great. We were able to have two cruises, back to back, late January and early February. We were joined by friends from Germany. The news was just beginning to break about the Corona virus in China. While in Cozumel, we joked about drinking a Corona. Well, the joke was on us.
It was during this cruise that Carol made the decision to move forward with knee replacement surgery. Even while on the cruise she was able to communicate with the orthopedic office and make plans for a consultation when we returned. As it turned out, her surgery was done just a few days before the quarantine went into place. Plans had already been made for her to do her recovery and physical therapy at our Myrtle Beach condo. All she had to do was get into the elevator and get to our condo without dealing with stairs. It turned out to be an extra blessing as we could enjoy the ocean views and Shep and I could take long walks on the beach.
I recall thinking during that time that the 2020 4th of July celebrations would be special as we anticipated getting this virus under control. Not the first time in my life that I’ve been wrong! We were still looking forward to an August cruise. We were planning on taking our grandson Dylan who was graduating from high school. When that got cancelled we rescheduled for a September cruise. Another cancelation and moved it to January 2021, and that was cancelled. We are patiently (ok, we’re impatient) waiting for the opportunity to cruise again.
Of course the tragedy of this virus is unimaginable. Not only the loss of life on a catastrophic level, but the emotional hardship that has hit every family. Many have lost jobs. Businesses have closed, many to never open again. Families have fallen apart. Healthcare workers are beyond the breaking point as they do all they can for patients. Families are unable to have a proper goodby to the loved ones they have lost.
So far our immediate family has not come down with the virus. My older sister and brother in law as well as a niece contracted it. Fortunately they came through after a few weeks of great discomfort. So many families have not had this outcome.
Now we are in the early stages of a vaccine. As typical, it comes with controversy. Many people are not willing to take it for a variety of reasons. Each person must decide what is right for them. I plan to get in line as soon as I am available to receive it. I will also wear a mask as needed. I don’t like the mask and while the effectiveness may be in question, it is a small inconvenience for the potential good it may do.
We are at war with a virus. Something we can’t see, yet its effect is extremely visible. To win this war, we must collectively do everything possible to overcome it. Covid-19 does not care who you voted for, what your race or financial situation may be.
Nothing will be different as we start 2021, but we have hope. It is still an uphill battle that will take longer than we would like for significant improvement. We hope all our friends and their loved ones will soon see better days. May the Journeys you take in 2021 be filled with joy.